Paul Franklin
Jan 27, 2021


Some super insights here Adriana. My favorites relate to simply building up your content portfolio as that's what it's all about at the end of the day.

People get stuck worrying what people will think of the window display or whether they're a good enough writer. As you point out this is immaterial: it's unlikely you'll be publicly outed since it'll probably take months for anyone to start visiting your blog! There's no point being bashful about something that only a few people will see!

In the time it takes for you to start getting more regular visits, you'll have had time to dress your shop window in a way your happy with and refine the words you published.

The best thing to do with a blog is... just do it... worry about the details later.



Paul Franklin

WordPress blogger. 15 years building websites and marketing them. Whippet owner, former traveller, lover of Spain and the Spanish language.